By The Rev. Ginny Aebischer
Assistant to the Bishop
Seminary students are focused on completing assigned readings, writing papers, working in local parishes, and engaging in the various ways the Spirit is forming them at LTSS. Unfortunately, many of them are also focused on the financial stress of mounting loans, and very often, the funds they are allowed to borrow do not stretch far enough to cover all the costs of life. Our congregations can make a significant difference and we hope you will join in this Food Drive by collecting and sending us gift cards for our seminarians. If you feel called to help a student buy some groceries or fill their gas tank, you may buy a gift card to Food Lion, Publix, or Shell and bring/send them to the South Carolina Synod office at 1003 Richland Street Columbia, SC 29201. We’ll bring your gifts to students who need them.

Thank You
We want to thank those of you who have sent grocery store and gas station gift cards for seminarians at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary! Your generosity has been a blessing that will continue to give!
We will continue collecting gift cards throughout this last quarter of the year for the seminarians for those of you who wish to give but haven’t yet had the chance. Just send your gift card donations to the Synod office by December 15, 2019 and I will be sure to get them to LTSS. If the need continues after the new year we will let everyone know.
Thank you!
Together in ministry,
Pastor Ginny Aebischer
We are over half way to our goal! Join the effort to launch Latino ministry to new levels in South Carolina. Make your gift today.
And, help us reach the $50,000 challenge if at least half of our congregations participate. Click here for more information about how congregations can share this story with your members.
This is Christ’s Church. There is a place for you here.
We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person–questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world.
Contact Information
ELCA South Carolina Synod
1003 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Telephone 803-765-0590
Fax 803-252-5558
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