St. Luke’s Lutheran Church
Prosperity, SC

The idea of the Giving Garden originated during a brain storming session. The original question asked was “How can St. Luke’s be of the most benefit during Covid-19?”. The obvious obstacles were discussed – supply/demand, unemployment, as well as the overall physical health of the surrounding communities. However, we felt like there were professional benevolent organizations that were already serving those demographics and they were better equipped to assist.
Next, we discussed the general feelings of ineptitude that we are all sharing during this time of quarantine. How can we possibly carry God’s word to others when we are barred from gathering? How can we possibly be a shining example of Christian goodwill when we ourselves feel useless and somber?
With these questions in mind, we determined that a feasible, albeit probably temporary, solution could be a garden tended by our congregants. This would be on a voluntary basis and allow those who desire to participate an incentive to be out in the sunshine in an area where they can work at their own pace. Gardening can provide a peace of mind that many people are seeking at this time in history. Our thought process is that even if the project is not a fruitful success, we would still be able to provide something new for our congregants to engage in while still maintaining social distances.

However, if the project is successful, how would we proceed? Food Banks in our area do not typically accept perishable items, so how could we fairly distribute our goods to those people who would benefit the most? Again our answer is relatively simple – we could make soup. The soup can be passed out to shut-in members, convalescent homes and hospice agencies. Additionally, vegetable soup can be frozen indefinitely. Potentially, we could retain some of the yield in our freezers here at the church and distribute it to families that are in need of immediate assistance with food. Occasionally, all one needs is to be able to get through the night to be able to find the will to get back on their feet. We pray that our church can offer such assistance to any one in need, regardless of congregational membership or religious affiliation.
So far, our Giving Garden seems to be greeted by the congregation with enthusiasm. We have seen an immediate spark of excitement that is definitely encouraging. We can feel God’s hand moving this project forward. It’s potential is limitless.