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Have a Mystery Christmas?

“With all wisdom and insight God has make know to us the mystery of God’s will as a plan for the fullness of time to gather up all things in Christ.”
Eph. 1:9

Paul is inviting us in this passage to rediscover the mystery of Christmas. Often we are not comfortable with anything that we cannot fully explain or grasp with our minds. But how is it possible to grasp the mystery of the fullness of God entering into human flesh? How can one explain such an immense limitless love accepting the limits of being human and born in a manger?

Our South Carolina Synod staff wishes you both a merry, joy-filled Christmas and one that is full of the mystery of the birth of Christ who in the fullness of time will gather us all things.

The Rev. Herman Yoos, Bishop
The Rev. Ginny Aebischer, Assistant to the Bishop
The Rev. Rick Carter, Director for Evangelical Mission
The Rev. Ozzie Herlong, Director for Stewardship
Jenny Spearen
Charlene Fink
Tiffany Pieters
Neal F. Fischer

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Contact Information

ELCA South Carolina Synod
1003 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Telephone 803-765-0590
Fax 803-252-5558

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