By the grace of Almighty God, your prayers and virtual presence are requested at a celebration of Holy Communion with the Rite of Ordination for Carl Dale Taylor into the Ministry of Word and Sacrament.
The ordination will take place on Saturday, the twenty-seventh of February, two thousand and twenty-one at noon. The service will be available online and originating from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Columbia, South Carolina. The Reverend Ginny Aebischer, Bishop of the South Carolina Synod will be presiding at this ordination and the Reverend Tony Metze will preach.
Carl has been called by Living Springs as Associate Pastor.
Because of COVID-19 and the desire to maintain appropriate safety precautions, physical attendance will be limited to family, congregational representatives, and invited guests. The service will be live-streamed for those who are not able to be physically present.
A Message from Carl Taylor
Family and Friends,
I am excited to announce that Living Springs Lutheran Church in Columbia, South Carolina has called me to be their Associate Pastor.
It is an honor to serve such a welcoming congregation and to partner with Pastor Eric Fink. Since graduating from Lutheran Theological Seminary last May, I wondered where the Holy Spirit would lead me. I must say I am happy the Holy Spirit led me to Living Springs Lutheran Church. My wife and our two daughters are glad to call Living Springs Lutheran Church Home.
The journey has not been easy as I reflect on what it took to get here today. Therefore, I want to thank the many people who prayed for me, studied with me, lifted me when I was low in spirit, cared for me, loves me, educated me on this journey to be the Pastor, I am today.
The ordination is a momentous occasion because I will be the first African American Lutheran Male to be ordained in South Carolina. Not only that, but I was also the first African American Lutheran Male to graduate Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary and the first to have been the Student Body President since its inception. Furthermore, I will be ordained by the first female Bishop elected to Office in the Lutheran Church’s history in South Carolina.
Almighty and merciful God, you built your Church on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and you instituted the office of the holy ministry so that apostolic and prophetic Word might be heard throughout the ages. Grant that this new pastor may minister faithfully in the power of your Spirit; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen