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An announcement from Bishop Ginny Aebischer

I am delighted to announce that the South Carolina Synod Council has called Pastor Emily Edenfield to serve as Assistant to the Bishop. Pastor Emily will begin on February 1, 2021. I look forward to working with her and welcoming her to our Staff. She will serve as part of our Synod Executive Staff and her primary areas of ministry will include Community Outreach.

Pastor Emily is a 2009 graduate of the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary with divisional honors in History and Theology. She served her internship at a three-point parish in rural western Pennsylvania. Before her ordination, Pastor Emily received a letter from the Bishop of synod dispensation to preside over holy communion and served as stated supply for Circle of Grace Lutheran Chapel, a Synodically Authorized Worshiping Community in Gaffney.

Her first call was at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Spartanburg. She started serving St. John’s in August 2010 and was ordained there in March 2011. Pastor Emily served as the Associate Pastor. In September 2017 she began her call as pastor at Wittenberg Lutheran Church, Leesville.

Pastor Emily’s family includes her seven-year-old twins, Ben and Olivia, and a cat, Sabrina.

Please help us welcome Pastor Emily into this new position and hold her, her family and the congregation of Wittenberg in your prayers as they all move through this time of transition.

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Contact Information

ELCA South Carolina Synod
1003 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Telephone 803-765-0590
Fax 803-252-5558

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