The Reverend Jerry Lane Trantham, born July 10, 1956, embodied Christ’s example of Love. Pastor of Colony Lutheran Church, of Newberry, S.C., for 17 years; he was reunited with his wife, Diane, and his Lord and Savior on January 16, 2020.
Prior to serving at Colony, he was a Vicar at Reformation Lutheran Church, and in his younger years was a Baptist Pastor in Payneville, Kentucky. Between leading congregations, Jerry served the people of South Carolina for 13 years as a forensic chemist and expert witness with the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED). He lived firmly as a man of God and science, innately understanding, “Both religion and science require a belief in God. For believers, God is in the beginning, and for scientist He is at the end of all consideration. To the former He is the foundation, to the latter, the crown of the edifice of every world view.”
Jerry’s life served as an example of love and generosity. Loving son, comical brother, devoted husband, gentle father, caring uncle, adoringly proud grandfather, and cherished friend. The pain we feel only serves to bring into focus how much he loved us, and we loved him. Warm hearted and as quick with a joke as he was with a verse of scripture; he could find humor in most every circumstance. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him, but as he would say “This is not goodbye; merely until we meet again.”
He is survived by his parents, Lane and Betty Trantham; sons, Jared Trantham (Tonia Fowler) and Joel Trantham (Sarah); granddaughter, Violet Diane Trantham; brothers, Charles Trantham (Susan) and Tommy Trantham (Kim); many nieces and nephews; and his fiancée, Jeanette Hornsby, who brought a renewed sense of joy, hope, and adventure to his life.
A memorial service will be held at Colony Lutheran Church at 2:00 p.m. on February 1, 2020.
Jerry Trantham was a unique individual. If you have a particular story of a memorable interaction with him, the family would ask that you write that story down. They will be collecting them at the memorial service, or you can email them to (pastorjerrystories@gmail.com).