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ideas for your graduation celebration!


  • Quilt
  • Blankets with their name at the bottom
  • Fleece tie blankets in the school colors of their college/university. If not going to college they get to pick their favorite colors
  • Blankets embroidered with church logo
  • Crocheted Prayer Shawls

Yard Signs with church name

Tri-fold boards of pictures/etc. to display. Photos, soccer ball, Harry Potter stuff, whatever fits their personality.

Host a luncheon, dinner or dessert celebration.  Plan time for a slide show, sharing stories, affirmations and prayer.

Have volunteers deliver care packages to each graduate’s house.

Contigo water bottle, stuffed with treats. Have a member cricut the name of the church and the students name for the bottle. Why “Contigo” you ask? It is Spanish for “To Go With”. Remind them that no matter where they go, God goes with them as do our prayers and love from the congregation that has watched them grow and continue to grow.


We Rise Higher: Poems and Prayers for Graduates

Always Wear Clean Underwear: And Other Ways Parents Say I Love You

Unscheduled Grace: 40 Reflections and Prayers for College Students

Senior Spotlights every day leading up to graduation on social media pages.

Have graduates fill leadership roles in worship – preach, serve communion, read, children’s message, etc.

Surge protector power strip with outlets and usb ports…a reminder to stay connected with God/church.

Bag for laundry! Remember your baptism.

Laundry basket, filled with tide pods, dryer sheets etc

Portable cell phone chargers.

Elastic Velcro towel. Embroider it.

Wooden bookmarks with the church logo on them that we gave out last year.

A journal with memories, scripture, or words of wisdom from the congregation

A Leatherman

Personalized Towels

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We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person–questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world.

Contact Information

ELCA South Carolina Synod
1003 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Telephone 803-765-0590
Fax 803-252-5558

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