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From the Desk…

The Youth Ministry Task Force is part of the Community Engagement Table in the Synod Council Structure. Until a few years ago, it was comprised of members of the Lutheran Church Youth (LCY) board. That structure worked well for many years, but it became clear over time that a new structure was needed.

After prayer, research, a visioning event, and many conversations, Pastor Emily Hartmann brought together a team including youth and adults from the Upstate, Midlands, and Low Country. It includes some folks who are familiar with the previous LCY structure, some who are part of other forms of youth ministry in South Carolina, and some who have experienced synodical youth ministry in other synods. 

South Carolina Synod will move to a structure where our Youth Ministry Task Force includes members of many teams. Most teams will be convened by an adult and a youth. The Task Force will have an adult convener, a youth convener, and a synod staff member as well as the conveners from each Team.

On March 1, 2024, Deacon Deborah Poole came on board as the Coordinator for Children and Youth.

Children’s Ministry Team- This team plans and facilitates ministry with children in elementary school and younger.

Communication Team – This team works with the Synod Director of Communications to plan and facilitate the sharing of information regarding youth ministry events to the synod, congregations, and individuals.

Connecting Leaders Team– This team plans and facilitates workshops, networking opportunities, etc. to support, equip and encourage children and youth leaders and  congregations across the synod.

Service Events Team – This team plans, facilitates, and evaluates special projects like Bridge Building, Camp HUGG, and GraceWorks.

Youth Ministry Team – This team plans, facilitates, and evaluates faith formation events including spring, winter, and fall weekend retreats.

ELCA Events Team – This team shares communications and plans for the ELCA Youth Gathering and other ELCA youth ministry opportunities.

Come Share in Re-Visioning South Carolina Youth Ministry!

Join a team today!

Youth Ministry Task Force Application – Google Forms

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Contact Information

ELCA South Carolina Synod
1003 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Telephone 803-765-0590
Fax 803-252-5558

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