It is our delight to announce that the Rev. James Henricks will serve as the Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM) for the ELCA South Carolina Synod beginning September 13, 2021. Prior to accepting this call, he served as Pastor of Summer Memorial Lutheran Church, Newberry South Carolina.
Pastor Henricks is a 2015 Master of Divinity graduate of Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, and a 2017 Master of Theology graduate from the University of Helsinki with a major in Religion, Conflict and Dialogue. Pastor James has a passion for teaching and walking with congregations and communities as they work effectively through conflict for vital and peaceful change. He has served the South Carolina Synod in the capacity of Conflict Consultant since November 2020 and has been a 2019 participant in the Lutheran World Federation Training on Dialogue for Peaceful Change.
The Director for Evangelical Mission works with leadership across the Synod to help carry out our mission of “Joining Neighbors, Serving Boldly and Loving All through Christ.” Our ELCA South Carolina Synod, DEM will have oversight and share innovation in four main areas:
- Congregational Vitality
- Mission Development/New Starts
- Mission Support and Stewardship
- Missional Vision and planning for the Synod
The Director for Evangelical Mission position is a coordinated partnership between the ELCA’s churchwide ministries and the Synods of this church. He will be a churchwide staff member who is fully embraced as a part of the South Carolina Synod Staff.
The DEM is a key resource and partner for congregations and leaders seeking tools and counsel for starting a new ministry or revitalizing existing ministries, as well as how to identify, develop and equip leaders for mission and ministry.
James and his wife, Christina live in Newberry. We look forward to welcoming Pastor Henricks to the Staff of the South Carolina Synod. Please help us welcome Pastor James to this new call.
Bishop Ginny Aebischer
ELCA South Carolina Synod