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One of the Greatest Opportunities we have to teach kids

FAMILY MINISTRY is one of the greatest opportunities we have to teach kids, develop leaders, and equip parents in order to pass along the faith to the next generation.

To those who work in Kids/Youth Ministry, it makes perfect sense to focus on the children. We decorate spaces just for them. We hold events they won’t want to miss. It’s awesome to see kids who want to come to church and don’t want to leave.  Hearing their insights, questions, and prayers is such a blessing and encouragement.

What we do for and with children and youth matters, and we play an important role in a child’s growing relationship with Jesus. But that should not be our only focus. There’s a simple yet important thing to remember: Kids don’t arrive at church alone.

Every child comes with a family attached, and every one of those families is unique. As we go about our work week to week, we should continually remind ourselves that family plays the single most influential role in the life of a child. As ministry leaders, investing in parents is just as important, perhaps more important, than what we pour into their children. Family Ministry and Kids/Youth Ministry go hand in hand. What we offer to parents benefits their kids, and what we offer to kids benefits their families.

No matter how a church approaches ministry to families, there is a key place to begin. It’s like building a house. You can’t put siding on walls that aren’t there. You must start with the foundation. Without it, the rest of the home cannot exist. Family ministry doesn’t begin with big events or trips. It’s built through small, intentional, foundational steps.

Focusing on three things can create a strong community of parents who embrace their roles as the primary spiritual leaders in their homes through the support we offer at church.


Jesus’ ministry was relational. He spent time with people, called them by name, listened to them, and met spiritual and practical needs. Drop off and pick up times at church can be crazy with kids coming and going, but it’s also an important time to connect face-to-face with parents, grandparents, and siblings. Greet them by name, ask how they are, and listen. It’s where all relationships begin, and it’s how friendships grow. If you don’t have a relationship with parents, you miss out on a connection with the people who matter most to those children.


In simplest terms, our role in children’s ministry is one of partnership, not ownership. God’s intention and instruction are clear — parents are charged with the primary discipling of their children. If we categorize ourselves in the role of the only Bible teacher a child has, we’ll communicate our level of importance over the families we serve.

It’s important to remember that we have been invited to play a part in the discipleship of a child, but we are not their primary leaders. When we keep this in mind, we encourage connections based on partnerships, which is key in ministering to families.


Raising a child is hard–physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Parenting is a joy-filled journey with a lot of challenges along the way.

As we develop meaningful relationships with parents, we get to be cheerleaders, teammates, and coaches. Look for opportunities to support their parenting by pointing out characteristics you see they’ve instilled in their children. Listen to their concerns and struggles and check-in to see how they’re doing. Pray with them, not just for them. Offer suggestions and resources but remember that parents are the experts when it comes to knowing their children.

Taking these foundational steps with families is worthwhile and necessary, but it takes time; it takes effort; it takes planning. By giving attention to the families whose children we are privileged to serve, God’s work is multiplied beyond the hours we spend together at church.

When parents understand they have partners in the discipleship of their children, feel connected through relationships at church, and know they are supported in the hard work of parenting, faith becomes more central in the daily lives of their families.

Family Ministry Resources

Lifelong Faith – Lifelong Faith – Home
Vibrant Faith – Vibrant Faith – Discover the Whole-Person Ministry Leadership Approach
Family Faith Formation Toolkit – Family Faith Formation Toolkit | Family Faith Formation Toolkit | Christian Reformed Church
Faith Practices at Home – Home Practices
Faithful Families by Traci Smith                                    

Bring a team and join us for a “WHOLE FAMILY MINISTRY” Workshop
March 16, 6pm
Christus Victor Lutheran in Columbia
We’ll discuss what your church can do to build a family ministry.
In-person or Zoom (Link coming soon)


Deacon James Johnson- Good Shepherd, Columbia

Children / Youth leading worship has been a priority for my lifetime in ministry. I wrote 8 different musicals during my many years of music camps and can share a number of songs with anyone that would like to use them.  I have always believed that starting in the nursery with babies and toddlers is the way to build a music program in a church. Let me know if you would like to have more conversation about my approach to music ministry with children and youth.

The Good Shepherd service has had a child cantor singing the Greeting, a song about Baptism during communion and the benediction, all pieces I wrote during my many years of Music Camps at Camp Kinard.  My Children’s Choir sings parts of the liturgy and a hymn in the service.  I have several children who can serve as Cantors individually and the group as choir can do the same.  I intend very soon to restart a preschool music class during Sunday School and to add children and youth participation in the prayers of the Church on a scheduled basis.


Youth are Either Leading or Leaving by Lyle Griner
May be purchased on BookBaby
Every Tuesday, March 5-April 8, at 10am
Please contact Deborah ( if you plan to attend.

Zoom Link – It will be recorded!


Ash Wednesday/Lent
Ash Wednesday for Families
Ash Wednesday is an important reminder of why Jesus died on the cross
Lent in a Bag: An Activity for Church or Home
Lent Activities for Kids – Ministry To Children
Celebrate Lent In Your Children’s Ministry
40 Lent Activities for Families (That Are Simple And FUN)
Discipleship Ministries | Ash Wednesday, Year C – Youth Lessons
Lent ideas for your youth ministry

Women’s History Month
Celebrating 50/40/10 years of women’s ordination – Women of the ELCA
10 Ways to Celebrate Women’s History Month | Happied
Women’s History Month Activities for All Ages (Free Posters)

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We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person–questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world.

Contact Information

ELCA South Carolina Synod
1003 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Telephone 803-765-0590
Fax 803-252-5558

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