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Documents – Call Process


Congregational Transition Packet

A downloadable version suitable for printing

Congregational Transition Packet Resource B: The Ethics of Pastoral Transition


Congregational Transition Packet Resource H: Interims

A sample contract for an interim pastor in the South Carolina Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Call Process PowerPoint

Document Descriptions

Frequently Asked Questions About the Call Process

Document Descriptions

Additional Resources

Call Process – Ministry Site Profile



The Ministry Site Profile form (MSP) provides congregations (single and multiple point parishes) and church-related organizations (schools, social ministry organizations, healthcare institutions, and agencies) a single, common form to use to describe their mission and their search for a rostered minister.


Call Process – Rostered leader Profile



An Overview Presentation for Synod Staff Who Support Candidacy or Call Process


Call Process – Mobility Database System



An Introduction to the Mobility Database System


Mission Partners

Get In Touch

This is Christ’s Church. There is a place for you here.

We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person–questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world.

Contact Information

ELCA South Carolina Synod
1003 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Telephone 803-765-0590
Fax 803-252-5558

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