Dear South Carolina Synod Friends, I would like to share an update with you about the 2020 South Carolina Synod Assembly. Little did we know when we chose the theme for this year’s Assembly, “Listen, God is Calling!” how profound a statement and guide that would be...
By Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr.Presiding BishopSeventh Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercyand to walk humbly[a] with your God.Micah 6:8 Brothers and Sisters in Christ, During...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Yesterday at Deacon Katie Justice’s ordination service, the opening hymn was The Canticle of the Turning. The refrain reads, “My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the fires of your justice burn. Wipe away all tears, for...
By the grace of Almighty God, your prayers and online presence are requested at a celebration of the Rite of Ordination for Ashlen Kate Justice into the Ministry of Word and Service. The ordination will take place on Sunday, June fourteenth, two thousand and twenty at...
By the grace of Almighty God, your prayers and virtual presence are requested at a celebration of Holy Communion with the Rite of Ordination for Joshua Robert Knutson into the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. The ordination will take place on Saturday, the twentieth of...