We honor our military veterans on Veterans Day, November 11th. From November 1st through the 11th we can bring awareness that this is a very difficult time for all members of our military service men and women. Not only are there challenges to peace in our home country, but there are wars and hostile unrest situations all over the world. The members of our military services face all of them and are involved directly in many.
In addition, our military veterans face tough challenges when they transition to civilian life. At least 22 of them give up on transitioning and commit suicide every day. Those who don’t end their lives often find the transition difficult. Be assured, there are military members in the families of our churches who need our support, care, and love. They may not say so, and they may be too proud or embarrassed to ask. But they need us and God.
From November 1st through the 11th, please pray for our military service men and women – those in active service, those in the reserves, and all of our veterans. Reach out to those you can. God’s peace and blessings be with them and you as you do!
Suggested Prayers:
Eternal and gracious God, we give thanks for all of those in our military history who are serving us and our country. We thank you for their sacrifice and service. Be present with all of the men and women who are serving in our military today. Keep them safe as they serve and sometimes fight to keep us safe.
We thank you for those who have shown the greatest love by laying down their lives for others. Help us to be worthy of their legacy and keep us mindful of their service and sacrifice.
We lift up all of our veterans. We thank them for their sacrifice and service and that of their families. We are grateful to you on behalf of those whose transition back into civilian life was easy, and we pray for those whose transition was difficult.
We especially lift up those who have committed suicide. Give them the peace, joy, and hope which they could no longer find here. We especially pray for those veterans who are considering suicide. Lead them to resources who can help you give them hope for the future and guide us in serving them.
Be with all military families for whom this Veterans Day is a burden and send your Spirit of comfort to them. Help us lend our ears, hands, and hearts to ease their burden and help them heal.
In all of this we give our Heavenly Father thanks through Jesus Christ our Savior, Lord, Hope, and Life. Amen
–The Rev. Thomas Cassem