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Vital Congregations Training for Leaders

Vital Congregations webinars starting soon May 27.

Free Registration

Invitation: This is an invitation to existing congregations leaders interested in tools and ideas for revitalizing our ministries together. Teams of 3, 4 or more are invited to come with their pastor to reignite mission. This course will offer best practices and strong foundations for congregations whom have historically been identified as being in the important times of redevelopment, transformation, and renewal. This is an opportunity to discern, kickstart efforts, or begin to reimagine in the hopes of growth in vitality, sustainability, and reaching new people. (This revisits many of the topics in the 2020 Vital Congregations cohort and is therefore not for those participants, but it is for a new cohort of rostered leaders who would be joined by their teams of lay leaders from their ministry sites.)

The first online webinar will begin on May 27th at 12:30-2:00 CST. This is a four-part training. Additional Dates are June 10, June 24, and July 8th at 12:30-2:00 CST. This series is also free of charge for congregations and leaders.

Please register by May 24th using the link below. For more information please contact your synod’s DEM (Director for Evangelical Mission),
contact Neil Bullock at (773) 380-2884 or Rev. Anna-Kari Johnson (773) 990-0814

All courses will be led by Rev Nancy Nyland, Rev CeCee Mills and Rev Jason Adams in partnership with the ELCA Christian Community and Leadership Congregational Vitality Team.

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Contact Information

ELCA South Carolina Synod
1003 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Telephone 803-765-0590
Fax 803-252-5558

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