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Care for Creation: An Ecumenical Endeavor?

Care for Creation: An Ecumenical Endeavor?

Care for Creation: An Ecumenical Endeavor? By Rev. Mary M. Finklea At the National Workshop on Christian Unity, I recently attended a session entitled “Declaration and Call to Action to Care for Creation”. We read from the encyclical letter from Pope Francis, Laudato...
In Our Prayers: The Reverend Dr. Harold F. Park

In Our Prayers: The Reverend Dr. Harold F. Park

In Our Prayers: The Reverend Dr. Harold F. Park The Reverend Dr. Harold Franklin Park, 98, of White Rock, S.C. loving and much-loved husband, father, uncle, grandfather and great-grandfather, died at his home on April 28, 2019. A celebration of his life will be held...
What do borders mean to you?

What do borders mean to you?

What do borders mean to you? By Christine Hart Serving as a Young Adult in Global Mission and a member of Bethlehem, Irmo What do borders mean to you? I was confronted with this question over and over again at the beginning of February. Our YAGM México group went to...
In Our Prayers: The Reverend Dr. Harold F. Park

Steven Daniel Curry Gallego to be Ordained

Steven Daniel Curry Gallego to be Ordained By the grace of Almighty God, your prayers and presence are requested at a celebration of Holy Communion with the Rite of Ordination for Steven Daniel Curry Gallego into the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. The ordination will...
ELCA launches collaboration with Blessed Tomorrow

ELCA launches collaboration with Blessed Tomorrow

ELCA launches collaboration with Blessed Tomorrow By Candice Hill Buchbinder ELCA News Caring for Creation Today Caring for God’s creation is an ever-evolving topic in this world, especially with each new natural or human made disaster. As stewards of this world, we...

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