Sharing Our Story of Churchwide Assembly By Deacon Kathleen Cartledge Tuesday’s worship at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly included a procession of the Deacons of the ELCA, ELCA Chaplains and the opportunity for Deacons to assist in remembering our Baptism and serve as...
In Our Prayers: The Rev. Dr. Eldridge Armand Shealy The Rev. Dr. Eldridge Armand Shealy, 91, died on September 5, 2019. He was born on June 8, 1928 in Burkes Garden, VA, the son of the late Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Shealy. Funeral services will be held at Bethel...
Hurricane Dorian The South Carolina Synod Stands Ready A large hurricane is heading for the Carolinas. At the synod office we are following Dorian and sharing information as we get it. Information about housing assistance and official government resources are...
Interim Synod Youth Ministry Coordinator Announced We Welcome Bill Newmyer as our Part Time Synod Youth Ministry Coordinator. He will begin on October 1 and will oversee our LCY and South Carolina Synod youth ministries. Below is an introduction to him and why he is...
Farewell and God Speed to Pastor Eric Wolf Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is never easy to say goodbye to a trusted colleague and friend like Pastor Wolf has been to me and to so many others around the South Carolina Synod over the last four and half years....