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MakeAWay.Church: Rediscovering Our Evangelical Heritage

MakeAWay.Church: Rediscovering Our Evangelical Heritage

MakeAWay.Church: Rediscovering Our Evangelical Heritage Join the Movement to Develop Leadership that is Christ Centered! South Carolina Synod invites you and your leadership to join the conversation on rediscovering our evangelical heritage as Lutherans. Being...
New Consecration Sunday

New Consecration Sunday

New Consecration Sunday By Robyn Westphal Team Leader for New Consecration Sunday at Christus Victor In April of this year, Christus Victor Lutheran Church (CVLC) celebrated the culmination of the New Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program, as outlined in the book...
New Giving Project for Homeless Veterans in North Charleston

New Giving Project for Homeless Veterans in North Charleston

New Giving Project for Homeless Veterans in North Charleston By Cheryl Peters Christ Community Lutheran of North Charleston is a mission congregation of the South Carolina Lutheran Synod. Our numbers are small, but our hearts are large. Imagine our happiness to...
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Ramp Ministry

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Ramp Ministry

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Ramp Ministry By Mike Weaver and Wade Wingard The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Ramp Ministry evolved from a project that was one of the early Inasmuch events about 11 years ago. In the early years, the team leader would visit the work...

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