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Katie Justice to be Ordained

Katie Justice to be Ordained

By the grace of Almighty God, your prayers and online presence are requested at a celebration of the Rite of Ordination for Ashlen Kate Justice into the Ministry of Word and Service. The ordination will take place on Sunday, June fourteenth, two thousand and twenty at...
Katie Justice to be Ordained

Joshua Knutson to be Ordained

By the grace of Almighty God, your prayers and virtual presence are requested at a celebration of Holy Communion with the Rite of Ordination for Joshua Robert Knutson into the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. The ordination will take place on Saturday, the twentieth of...
Beginning A Culture of Generosity

Beginning A Culture of Generosity

As your congregation begins to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, would you like a stewardship program for your congregation that seeks to: Stabilize and grow financial giving?Teach Biblical stewardship principles?Help members discover generosity?Begin building a...
Trinity Sunday Worship

Trinity Sunday Worship

Trinity Sunday is June 7, 2020 The South Carolina Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is providing a service of worship which includes Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reading the gospel and preaching. We are encouraging the opportunity to worship as one...

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