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A Trail to Transition

A Trail to Transition

By Arthur Suggs Almost 6 months ago I had a chance encounter with a homeless gentleman in Brevard North Carolina.  At the time I was on a short family vacation staying in a house that was in a very hilly section of North Carolina. On the first morning of our...

This Month in Mission for July 2023

Summer is in full swing, and I hope everyone is staying cool. While you’re trying to beat the heat, here are some starting points you may be interested in to help connect you better with your communities. Information worth considering: People will visit your website...
When Some Becomes Much

When Some Becomes Much

By Stephen Abbott “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35) It was toward the end of May...

This Month in Mission June 2022

Summer is here, and I hope you’re doing well! If you’ve got time between camp, VBS programs, and all your summer programs to think about evangelism and outreach, I hope this is helpful for you. Information worth checking out: Design thinking Design thinking is a...
Reflecting on and Commemorating the Emanuel Nine

Reflecting on and Commemorating the Emanuel Nine

This reflection is a cross-published piece, which was originally published on the ELCA Racial Justice Blog on June 6, 2022. By Bishop Virginia S. Aebischer On the evening of June 17, 2015, a white supremacist walked into Mother Emanuel AME Church, sat down and joined...

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