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Building a Culture of Generosity : Fall 2023

Building a Culture of Generosity : Fall 2023

Are you interested is a stewardship opportunity that will guide your congregation through your fall stewardship appeal? This stewardship program for your congregation will seek to: Stabilize and grow financial giving? Teach Biblical stewardship principles? Help...

All Assembly Articles 2023

REPORT OF THE BISHOP | 2023 SOUTH CAROLINA SYNOD ASSEMBLYBy The Rev. Michele Fischer Bishop Ginny Aebischer began her report to this year’s Synod assembly by telling about a recent picture she had seen on the maternity floor at Lexington Medical Center. The picture...
This Month in Mission for June 2023

This Month in Mission for June 2023

I hope you had a great time at Synod Assembly and that you and your family are able to get some vacation this summer. With that rest and rejuvenation, here’s some things to help you in context with outreach and evangelism when you’re back in town. Idea worth...
This Month in Mission for June 2023

This Month in Mission for May 2023

The summer is here! I hope all the graduations, vacations, and seasonal changes get off to a good start for you, and that what follows helps you think through how your congregation moves forward in reaching new people. Idea worth considering: Millennials aren’t...

This Month in Mission for April 2023

Hello, and Happy Easter season! I hope you’re able to take a break from the hectic nature of lent and enjoy celebrating the risen savior. With that extra time, if you’re thinking about evangelism and outreach, here are some things to think about. Idea worth...

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