By The Rev. Kris Litman-KoonWhen a congregation plans the church’s annual festivals – for example, Christmas Eve and Ash Wednesday – the dominant desire is to express the biblical, historical, or theological significance of those days. A secondary desire of the...
BY THE REV. KRIS LITMAN-KOON Pastor of All Saints Lutheran Church, Mt. Pleasant LUTHERANS GATHERED AT THE COAST FOR COLLABORATION ON GREEN MINISTRIES Though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet The Lowcountry weather was not its normal ideal during the...
Care for Creation: An Ecumenical Endeavor? By Rev. Mary M. Finklea At the National Workshop on Christian Unity, I recently attended a session entitled “Declaration and Call to Action to Care for Creation”. We read from the encyclical letter from Pope Francis, Laudato...
The Blessing of the Animals,… and Plants, and… By The Rev. Kris Litman-Koon Pastor, All Saints, Mt. Pleasant It is that time of year when word of a Blessing of the Animals service is heard in many congregations. Saint Francis of Assisi is known as the...