Summer is here, and I hope you’re doing well! If you’ve got time between camp, VBS programs, and all your summer programs to think about evangelism and outreach, I hope this is helpful for you. Information worth checking out: Design thinking Design thinking is a...
Summer and synod assembly are just around the corner. While things often slow down for churches, I hope this month’s newsletter helps you speed up your evangelism and outreach. Information Worth Considering: Gen Z and the search for meaning We tend to make a lot of...
Spring has sprung, Lent is here, and I’m sure you are busy. If in the middle of it all, you’re looking for ways to do more outreach or evangelize, I hope you’ll find this helpful. Idea worth considering: Evangelizing in third spaces The idea behind “third spaces”...
Happy February, everyone! Time for round two of my monthly newsletter. Idea worth considering Sustainability. When we hear this, it’s usually about money or the environment, which are both their own competing ways of “going green.” However, thanks to our Latin...
Hello, and Happy New Year from your friendly neighborhood DEM. As we’re all looking to 2022 with hopes for a better year, I’m starting a monthly newsletter with the intent that this can be a resource for your ministry. I know, we all need another email subscription...