Dear Sisters and Brothers, I am writing to you with a heavy heart and I ask that you join me in prayer. These have been incredibly challenging times for so many reasons, but I’m convinced that we will get through this season of challenge only as we work together and...
Dear South Carolina Synod Leaders, Grace and peace to you in Jesus’ name! Like many of you, I was surprised this past weekend when the Center for Disease Control released their newest recommendations and guidelines on Covid19 safety precautions. This is news that many...
It is clear from all the reports that we are receiving that the cases of the COVID-19 virus continue to rise at rapid rates across our whole country, including South Carolina. To date over 272,000 loved ones have lost their lives to this virus, and studies now show...
Christ Lutheran Church, Hilton Head Island, will be planting a tree in memory of “THE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN VICTIMS OF COVID-19” on Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 10am on the grounds of the church at 829 Wm. Hilton Parkway. Bruno Landscape and Nursery has donated a red Don Mac...
Dear SC Synod – ELCA Partners in Ministry, Across the Synod we are all faced with challenging decisions right now about when we can open the sanctuaries of our churches for the people of God to gather together in worship. We recognize that each congregation has a...