The Bishops Election CommitteeDeacon Shelley AllenMelantha ArdreyDeacon Sarah BowersRev Leroy CannonRev Emily EdenfieldDeacon Lexanne GravesRev Wayne KannadayRev Jorge Leone The survey is now closed Bishop Election Survey Response Data - CondensedBishop Election...
BY THE REV. HERMAN YOOS Bishop, South Carolina Synod Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Imagine your hands helping to lift three framed, heavy wooden walls for the new Cristo Rey sanctuary, along with 35 Latino brothers and sisters in Christ. I was there on November...
A Deeper Sense of Calmness Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, To say we are living in times of high anxiety and worry is an understatement. The recent shootings in Dayton and El Paso are symptoms of this anxiety as well as expressions of how this cultural anxiety...
A Letter to Leaders about the Sanctuary Declaration at Churchwide Assembly By The Rev. Dr. Herman R. Yoos Bishop, South Carolina Synod Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, There were many Holy Spirit surprises for me at this Churchwide Assembly. The first was having...