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Communion With Creation

Communion With Creation

BY THE REV. KRIS LITMAN-KOON Pastor of All Saints Lutheran Church, Mt. Pleasant LUTHERANS GATHERED AT THE COAST FOR COLLABORATION ON GREEN MINISTRIES Though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet The Lowcountry weather was not its normal ideal during the...
Have a Mystery Christmas?

Have a Mystery Christmas?

“With all wisdom and insight God has make know to us the mystery of God’s will as a plan for the fullness of time to gather up all things in Christ.” Eph. 1:9 Paul is inviting us in this passage to rediscover the mystery of Christmas. Often we are not comfortable with...
Mental Illness in the Pulpit

Mental Illness in the Pulpit

BY THE REV. DAVID EDENFIELD Pastor, Bethlehem, Batesburg-LeesvilleHow do you start a conversation about mental illness? I can tell you from experience, starting that conversation is a lot like writing an article about it, scary! Hello world, my name is David...

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