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Updates from the Southwestern Diocese of Tanzania Team

Updates from the Southwestern Diocese of Tanzania Team

SHE SHED: A Wheat and Water Project helping the Uwanji and Safwa Women of the Southwestern Diocese of Tanzania. The ladies of the SWD of Tanzania need help with their farming practices. Currently the women are farming with hand tools. Due to the loss of their wheat...
A Mission & Milestones Moment: women’s missionary societies

A Mission & Milestones Moment: Ladies Sewing society

My name is Joyce Schuler. I’m currently the president of the Ladies Sewing Society at St John’s Lutheran Church in Charleston South Carolina. Two centuries ago, in 1825, the ladies of St John’s formed the Female Society of St John’s Evangelical...
A Message from the NovusWay Board of Directors

A Message from the NovusWay Board of Directors

Press Release: March 11, 2024 Dear NovusWay Family, Over the last several months, we, as the Board of Directors for NovusWay and our co-CEOs Mike and Mitzie, have shared multiple announcements outlining the current financial realities for the ministry and the steps...

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