On Saturday, February 10, 2024, the SC Synod Inclusive Network sponsored a Civil Rights tour of downtown Columbia, in part to commemorate Black History month. The morning tour group included approximately 30 Lutherans and several Episcopalians. It began at the South...
The South Carolina Synod Bible Team began meeting in the summer of 2023 to consider ways to fulfill the work of the Resolution on Living into the Unity of the Body of Christ that passed at the 2023 Synod Assembly. This BibleTeam includes Josh Kestner, Shelley Allen,...
Reverend James Rudolph Fuchs – 92 years of Howell, MI – died April 1, 2024, at Willows at Howell (Howell, MI). Reverend Fuchs will lie-in-state at Grace Lutheran Church (Howell, MI) on Saturday April 6, 2024, from 10am until the funeral service commences at 2pm....
ALL rostered ministers, seminary students, interns, specialized ministers who are, active in a call, serving as interim, supply or candidate for ministry in the South Carolina Synod are required to participate in annual BIE. Four day/time options were provided through...
SHE SHED: A Wheat and Water Project helping the Uwanji and Safwa Women of the Southwestern Diocese of Tanzania. The ladies of the SWD of Tanzania need help with their farming practices. Currently the women are farming with hand tools. Due to the loss of their wheat...