We sense it. We feel it. We observe it. Major change in post-pandemic church life is underway. Everything around us is changing and the Great ReEvaluation is happening.
What do we need to understand about our current situation in order to lead the church today? Are there pivots, large or small, that we can make to position churches to respond faithfully? What might we discover about how God is reshaping churches into greater expressions of the body of Christ? How can we align our churches more with the Way of Jesus? These are the questions driving The Great ReEvaluation Course.
This course is a stand-alone learning and growth experience for church leadership that results in direction for proactively engaging God’s mission for our churches. This whole series is made possible to the leaders and congregations of the South Carolina Synod – ELCA. The only cost is $20 per person for the Workbook and to help offset the cost of materials that are provided for leaders to share with the whole congregation. You may pay when you register for the Series.
Come join other church leaders in this interactive engagement experience, pursuing God’s guidance for living into our better selves as churches. Through presentations, videos, cross-pollination with other church leaders, and guided conversation, this Course pursues the following outcomes.
For Whom?
Church leaders who want to pursue the transformation and growth opportunities inherent in moments of great change, leading their churches forward in mission and ministry.
Anticipated Outcomes
- Expanded awareness about current world and local trends, with reflection on how churches are responding
- Raised awareness for the leadership of each participating church, equipping them with language for discussing their situation and next leadership moves
- Exposure to conceptual and practical approaches for being church in the current situation
- Focus and proactive direction for clergy, church staff, and Councils in the current changing context
- Shifting the mindsets of church leadership from loss or decline toward mission-congruent transformation and growth
- Support and accountability toward pursuing God’s transformation of individuals, churches, and communities
The Great ReEvaluation (TGR) Course Components
TGR Introductory Video
This video introduces participants to the recognition that we are at a critical juncture in time, with the opportunity to move ahead with proactive intentionality. This video is available to churches and their leaders at no charge.
Six Online 90 Minute Sessions
In each gathering, participants engage with three components of TGR
- A concept or perspective that equips leaders for congregational transformation
- A key practice toward cultivating congregational transformation
- Presenter positions leaders for using their Integration Workbooks to identify their application of what’s gained in each session
Each session includes presentation, small group debriefing, plus large group discussion.
Schedule for these Six Online (Zoom) Sessions.
The Great ReEvaluation
Join Zoom Meeting:
Phone: (646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 875 3720 2300
Passcode: 411790
Monday, March 6th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Monday, March 27th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Monday, April 17th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Monday, May 8th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Monday, May 22nd, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Monday, June 5th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm
TGR Videos For Congregational Engagement
Provided as tools to assist church leaders toward engaging their congregations, these are brief (3-5 minutes) videos designed for advancing congregational transformation. Each video introduces a concept and practice from TGR learning experience, inviting participants to engage each other and their church. These videos are practical tools for on-boarding entire congregations in pursuing God’s calling in TGR. Church leaders may use these videos in a variety of ways:
- Viewed before, during, or after worship services
- Inserted into e-newsletters
- Provided as a link to the video on websites, through emails, and any other method
- Used as discussion starters in Bible studies, small groups, committee meetings, staff meetings, and church process gatherings
TGR Implementation Coaching
This course is a stand-alone learning and growth experience for church leadership that results in direction for proactively engaging TGR. After the course (or even during) some churches will want a TGR coach to support their transformation efforts. This is not provided with this Course, yet is available for a fee from Pinnacle Leadership Associates as needed and requested.
TGR Course Leader
Rev. Mark E. TidsworthWith a keen curiosity about life, Mark explores the intersection of faith, church, and 21st century living. Mark has served as a pastor, new church developer, interim pastor, renewal pastor, therapist, nonprofit director, business owner, leadership coach, congregational consultant, leadership trainer, and author. Ordained in the Baptist Tradition, Mark is an ecumenical minister at this point along the way. Mark is a frequent presenter with leadership teams, clergy gatherings, and denominational gatherings. Much of Mark’s exposure to shifts in the 21st Century church flows from his work as President of Pinnacle Leadership Associates, based in Columbia, South Carolina. Personally, Mark enjoys many outdoor activities, including mountain biking, hiking, camping, and running. He frequently finds ways to integrate time outside into his work opportunities.