June 12-14, 2025
Embassy Suites Charleston Airport Hotel & Convention Center
5055 International Blvd.
North Charleston
Assembly Home
Guests & Speakers
Media and News Page

About Our Assembly
Our Heritage, Our Hope
Scripture: Psalm 100
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
This theme and scripture were selected in collaboration with the 200th Anniversary Planning Team, as we aim to highlight God’s enduring faithfulness throughout time—covering the past, present, and future—in relation to the ministry within and through the South Carolina Synod.
We are thrilled to come together, not only to conduct the business of the Synod, but also to hear the inspiring stories of ministry happening across our Synod, learn from one another, and reflect on how we’ve worked together over the past 200 years to share the Good News. Our Synod is blessed with countless incredible and creative leaders, faithful congregations, and dedicated members, and we are excited to celebrate this significant milestone in ministry together!
Synod Vice President Election
A brief VP job description has been created to help us in our discernment. We hope you will take the time to look at this description and consider whether the Holy Spirit is calling you, or someone you know, to be nominated for this position.
In the weeks to come, more information will be shared about Synod Assembly and about the VP election. In the meantime, we invite you to keep this important election, and all those involved, in your prayers. Thank you!
Synod Vice President Job Description
Synod Vice President Job Description
preassembly q&a sessions
Mission Funding/Spending Plan
about this year’s assembly offering
ASSISTING the James R. Crumley, Jr. Archives
Did you know that The James R. Crumley Jr. Archives has existed formally for more than 30 years as a mandated, non-profit agency of the ELCA, but it contains the records of Lutherans who have been in this region for hundreds of years. It is there that centuries-old stories are preserved for future generations. This year, the Archives needs your help, as it plans for a new chapter in its ministry. Synod Council approved designating the offering received during Assembly to the James R. Crumley Jr. Archives. As you plan your budget or designate an offering for Lent, please prayerfully consider a generous offering to ensure that your Lutheran history and heritage is available for decades to come.
Lutheran F.A.Q. | What is Synod Assembly?
Guests, Leaders, & Speakers
We give thanks to these wonderful guests, leaders, and speakers. More will be listed soon.

The Rev. Amy E. Reumann
ELCA Representative
The Rev. Amy E. Reumann serves as ELCA Senior Director for Witness in Society in Washington, D.C. Her leadership directs staff and church advocacy in federal public policy, through the ELCA-affiliated state public policy office (sppo) network, at the United Nations through Lutheran Office for World Community representation, and with the ELCA Corporate Social Responsibility program. She has served as a parish pastor in New Jersey and Wisconsin, Assistant to the Bishop in Milwaukee, Wis. and director of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania. Reumann is a graduate of Muhlenberg College, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and the General Theological Seminary, New York City. She was awarded a GreenFaith Fellowship in religious-environmental leadership and a Louisville Institute Pastoral Studies Grant on “Public Testimony as a Faith Practice.” Reumann is a Master Gardener, manager at an urban farm and loves to garden, knit, quilt, play board games, hike and read mysteries.
Celebrating 50 years of Ordination
Rev. Enoch Arden Hallman, Jr.
Ordained: 1975
Retired: 2013
Rev. Warren Gregory Martin
Ordained: 1975
Retired: 2013
South Carolina Synod Congregational Special Anniversaries
275 years – Mount Pleasant, Ehrhardt
225 years – St. Nicholas, Fairfax
75 years – Good Shepherd, Columbia
We will update the schedule closer to meeting at the Assembly.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
7:00 p.m.
Pre-Assembly Bible Study with Mark Allan Powell
This Zoom session will allow for more interation. All are welcome to join.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
7:00 p.m.
Pre-Assembly Bible Study with Mark Allan Powell
This Zoom session will allow for more interation. All are welcome to join.
Sunday, June 2, 2024
5:00 p.m.
Pre-Assembly Budget Session
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
7:00 p.m.
Pre-Assembly Compensation Guidelines Session
Thursday, June 12, 2025
9:00 a.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting members
YouTube for Visitors
Assembly Session One
Order for Opening of Assembly and Worship
Organization of Assembly
Reference and Counsel Introduction of Special Guests
Report of Synod Council (Part 1) Procedural Matters Affecting this Assembly and Proposed Compensation Guidelines
*Nominating Committee Report
* Nominations from the floor of this Assembly must include a completed biographical information form. This form is available on the Synod webpage and we ask that anyone bringing a nomination from the floor complete this form in advance of the Assembly and be prepared to send it by email to immediately following the Nominating Committee Report. Charlene will need to receive this completed form by no later than 10:45 AM.
Introduction of New Leaders of the SC Synod
Report: ELCA
Ministry Spotlights
10:50 a.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting members
YouTube for Visitors
Assembly Session Two
Report of Registration
General Elections: Ballot 1 (Majority needed to elect)
Report of Synod Council (Part 2) Proposed Budget and Treasurer’s Report
Reference and Counsel 1
Report of Synod Council (Part 3) Constitutional Matters
Report of Registration
General Elections: Ballot 2 (as needed, majority needed to elect)
Ministry Spotlights
200th Anniversary
1:05 p.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting members
YouTube for Visitors
Assembly Session Three
50th Anniversary Recognition
Report: Bishop Aebischer
Reference and Counsel 2 (as needed)
Ministry Spotlights
Report: Vice President
Ministry Spotlights
Installation of New Council
Closing Worship
Closing of Assembly
Friday, June 13, 2025
8:15 a.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting Members
Lumi Platform and help desk opens
Voting members will received instructions on logging in and how to reach the help desk.
We strongly encourage all voting members to begin logging in early once the platform opens so if there are issues, we have plenty of time to take your calls and help.
9:00 a.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting members
YouTube for Visitors
Assembly Session One
Order for Opening of Assembly and Worship
Organization of Assembly
Reference and Counsel Introduction of Special Guests
Report of Synod Council (Part 1) Procedural Matters Affecting this Assembly and Proposed Compensation Guidelines
*Nominating Committee Report
* Nominations from the floor of this Assembly must include a completed biographical information form. This form is available on the Synod webpage and we ask that anyone bringing a nomination from the floor complete this form in advance of the Assembly and be prepared to send it by email to immediately following the Nominating Committee Report. Charlene will need to receive this completed form by no later than 10:45 AM.
Introduction of New Leaders of the SC Synod
Report: ELCA
Ministry Spotlights
10:50 a.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting members
YouTube for Visitors
Assembly Session Two
Report of Registration
General Elections: Ballot 1 (Majority needed to elect)
Report of Synod Council (Part 2) Proposed Budget and Treasurer’s Report
Reference and Counsel 1
Report of Synod Council (Part 3) Constitutional Matters
Report of Registration
General Elections: Ballot 2 (as needed, majority needed to elect)
Ministry Spotlights
200th Anniversary
1:05 p.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting members
YouTube for Visitors
Assembly Session Three
50th Anniversary Recognition
Report: Bishop Aebischer
Reference and Counsel 2 (as needed)
Ministry Spotlights
Report: Vice President
Ministry Spotlights
Installation of New Council
Closing Worship
Closing of Assembly
Saturday, June 14, 2025
8:15 a.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting Members
Lumi Platform and help desk opens
Voting members will received instructions on logging in and how to reach the help desk.
We strongly encourage all voting members to begin logging in early once the platform opens so if there are issues, we have plenty of time to take your calls and help.
9:00 a.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting members
YouTube for Visitors
Assembly Session One
Order for Opening of Assembly and Worship
Organization of Assembly
Reference and Counsel Introduction of Special Guests
Report of Synod Council (Part 1) Procedural Matters Affecting this Assembly and Proposed Compensation Guidelines
*Nominating Committee Report
* Nominations from the floor of this Assembly must include a completed biographical information form. This form is available on the Synod webpage and we ask that anyone bringing a nomination from the floor complete this form in advance of the Assembly and be prepared to send it by email to immediately following the Nominating Committee Report. Charlene will need to receive this completed form by no later than 10:45 AM.
Introduction of New Leaders of the SC Synod
Report: ELCA
Ministry Spotlights
10:50 a.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting members
YouTube for Visitors
Assembly Session Two
Report of Registration
General Elections: Ballot 1 (Majority needed to elect)
Report of Synod Council (Part 2) Proposed Budget and Treasurer’s Report
Reference and Counsel 1
Report of Synod Council (Part 3) Constitutional Matters
Report of Registration
General Elections: Ballot 2 (as needed, majority needed to elect)
Ministry Spotlights
200th Anniversary
1:05 p.m.
Lumi Platform for Voting members
YouTube for Visitors
Assembly Session Three
50th Anniversary Recognition
Report: Bishop Aebischer
Reference and Counsel 2 (as needed)
Ministry Spotlights
Report: Vice President
Ministry Spotlights
Installation of New Council
Closing Worship
Closing of Assembly